Recommended Websites

What is HRconnection? It's your 24-hour Human Resources center! This portal is devoted to providing you with up-to-date information about the County and your insurance benefits.

We’ve designed this site with you in mind, so we encourage you to take some time to discover all that this virtual employee benefits expert has to offer.

Online, anytime 

At work or away, you can view, manage or update the following from any computer with Internet access:

• View company benefit plan offerings 

• Access to important forms

• Links to common websites 

• Benefit FAQ's


Not finding what you need on HRconnection? For additional assistance, please contact the Personnel Department.

1. 2024 Monthly Rates General Unit
2. 2024 Monthly Rates Correction Officers
3. 2024 Monthly Rates Deputy Sheriff



Feeling overwhelmed? While you can't always remove certain stressors from your life, you can try to manage them better. Try these tips to alleviate stress:

  • Develop a regular sleep schedule, and get enough sleep! It's important to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day—even on weekends. This allows your body to adjust to a schedule that will allow for a more restful night's sleep. Most experts recommend eight hours per night, but you may need more or less.
  • Exercise on a regular basis. This doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym; you can park farther away from a store's entrance, take the stairs at work, take the dog for a walk or play soccer with your kids. Try to get at least 30 minutes of activity daily.
  • Set priorities. Try not to stress about minor things you can't control, and manage your time wisely. Make a list of your daily tasks and complete them in order of importance.

And remember, we have a free, confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that you are welcome to take advantage of at any time.